Houston Transaction Advisory Firm

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Affiliated Consultant

Tom Farinacci II

Affiliated Consultant

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Tom Farinacci II was the Founder/President/CEO of a Houston-area commercial maintenance/installation landscaping company for 28 years. This role came with a multitude of complex issues found in every service industry business. Employee moral and turnover, equipment service and maintenance issues, marketing sales strategies, field service quality control, and competitive pricing in a price-sensitive industry were just a few of his daily challenges. Mr. Farinacci’s hard work and perseverance met these challenges head-on and streamlined them to achieve and maintain optimum performance. As the company grew through the years, he also completed two acquisitions (in 2012 and again in 2017) to expand the company to where it met his personal objectives and his exit plan could be accomplished. These acquisitions brought new learnings and issues to be managed. Merging two companies with different concepts, dozens of employees, and cultural differences – including divergent service methods – presented challenges requiring original and innovative solutions. Tom’s end goal was to expand the business to gain significant market share, which would attract the attention of a nationwide company looking for a presence in the Houston area. On June 1, 2020, that goal became a reality with the successful, full-price sale of his business to a nationwide exterior maintenance service company. 

With all the experience acquired and lessons learned through the years, Mr. Farinacci looks to help successful business owners optimize their operations. He works with business owners to review current operations and to troubleshoot areas that can be optimized, streamlined, and organized in order to drive efficient performance and thereby maximize company profit. Whether it is to maximize profit for years to come or to create an exit strategy, he enjoys working with GaP clients every step of the way.

Mr. Farinacci holds a B.S. in Industrial Technology Design and Development with a minor in Horticulture from Sam Houston State University. While attending college in 1995-1997, he held the position of President of the prestigious agriculture honor society, Delta Tau Alpha. Tom has acquired multiple certifications in the Green Industry through the years. He enjoys boating and spending time with his wife of 19 years and their 3 children, including involvement in all their ongoing sporting and extracurricular activities.   


Tom Farinacci II

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